A message from our CEO

To our customers and business partners:


We at Symetra hope that you and your families are safe, healthy and prepared as we each do our part to fight the COVID-19 virus. Nothing is more important than protecting the health and safety of the people we care about, and we must all band together to help “flatten the curve” and protect each other.

This pandemic is a unique moment in our history. While other global crises have come and gone, never before has one occurred when people are connected on such a global scale. In this time of uncertainty, that connection can be both alarming and comforting. While we have seen the pandemic spread in real-time and we are acutely aware of its effects on people around the world and in the communities we love, we have also seen everyday people, governments, medical professionals and essential front-line workers—from grocers to first responders—put themselves in harm’s way to help others. Their actions are inspiring, and we can all find ways to rise to the occasion and support them.

Another benefit of our connected lives is our ability to continue serving you throughout this moment. The employees of Symetra remain hard at work—mostly from our homes—to ensure that payments are sent, claims and applications are processed, and questions are answered. Our business is peace of mind, and we remain committed to making sure our customers’ needs are fulfilled—especially now when it’s needed most.

While this is a difficult time for many businesses, we are confident that Symetra’s long history of financial stability and strength will carry us through this phase. In our 60-year history, we have successfully navigated many up-and-down markets and have always fulfilled our promises. We plan thoroughly and stress-test for this type of scenario, and we are in a strong position to weather this storm. We’ll be here when you need us. In the meantime, we continue to support our community partners who are working hard to help those most in need, and as we continue to grow, we hope to put people to work who have lost their jobs as a result of this crisis.

The world has many challenging days ahead. To get through them, we intend to continue being a reliable partner, a comforting voice in times of need, and an innovative leader ready to work for the greater good. For now, please keep yourselves safe, take comfort in your families, support your essential service providers, and reach out if we can be of assistance. We are all in this together.

We have provided information for our customers on this page in an effort to help you find answers to your questions. Please follow the links for assistance with your Symetra products. Of course, if you need additional assistance, please call us at 1-800-796-3872.


Margaret Meister
President and CEO

COVID-19 resources

We are open for business and operating normally. If you have questions about a product or need help accessing your policy benefits, please contact us at 800 796 3872.


Retirement: COVID-19 Updates
Individual Life Division: COVID-19 Updates
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Our community response